ERITREA | OCT. 20, 2021 — Christians Re-arrested After Recent Release from Prison

ERITREA | OCT. 20, 2021 — Christians Re-arrested After Recent Release from Prison

ERITREA | OCT. 20, 2021 — Christians Re-arrested After Recent Release from Prison

ERITREA — Christians Re-arrested After Recent Release from Prison

The Mai Serewa Prison in Eritrea.

A group of 15 believers was arrested once again in recent weeks despite being released from prison in the last few months.

These Christians were not engaged in any illegal activity as they were arrested in their homes. “The police actually went to each of their individual houses; they weren’t caught in a homestead church or gathering,” a front-line worker said. The group of believers includes long-term prisoners who had recently been released from prison, and the group is now being held in Mai Serewa Prison. Pray for these Christians to not lose hope as they continue to endure persecution for the sake of Christ.

Pray that the Eritrean authorities will release them quickly, and pray that their witness for Christ will lead many others to Him, including their persecutors and jailers.


  1. 유혜영

    Says October 20, 2021 at am 11:51

    하나님! 고난속에서 오직 주님만 붙잡을 수 있는 믿음주소서! 견딜수 있는 성령충만을 주소서! 우리는 감당할 능력이 없습니다.!

  2. 권정현

    Says November 04, 2021 at am 2:19

    이유없이 투옥되어 있는 신실한 주님의 자녀들을 보호하여 주시며, 에스트레아 당국자들의마음을 돌이키게 하여 주셔서
    속히 석방되게 하여 주옵소서.
    하나님의 나라가 누룩과 같이 감옥안에서도 널리널리 퍼져 나가게 역사하시며, 기쁨으로 풀려나 형제자매 가족들이
    다시 만날 수 있게 하여 주옵소서.

    예수그리스도이름으로 기도드립니다.

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