CENTRAL ASIA | OCT. 13, 2020 — “They Will Kill You”

CENTRAL ASIA | OCT. 13, 2020 — “They Will Kill You”

CENTRAL ASIA | OCT. 13, 2020 — “They Will Kill You”

CENTRAL ASIA — “They Will Kill You”

Pastors in this nation serve sacrificially.

Religious affairs authorities told a pastor working in Central Asia that if the Taliban take over, they will kill the pastor.

Though church meetings are restricted in the country, this pastor has hosted an enduring house fellowship in his home. He has also been bold in his approach to the government, attempting to register his congregation for a long time. He said one reason the government does not want to register the church is because it may cause problems with the Muslims in his community. He also said some government members are devout Muslims who oppose Christianity. When authorities told him he would be killed, the pastor replied that he expected persecution because Jesus warned His followers about it two thousand years ago.

Pray that this pastor and his congregation stand firm in their faith, and pray for favor from the authorities.


  1. 유혜영

    Says October 13, 2021 at pm 12:48

    주님! 죽음도 두려워하지 않는 그 믿음 허락하여 주소서!

  2. 권정현

    Says October 15, 2021 at pm 11:48

    주님 ! 중앙아시아에서 복음전하는 목사님들과 선교사님, 그 자녀들과 가정을 보호하여 주옵소서!
    복음의 능력이 빛이 되어 더 어두운 곳으로 비춰져 민족이 회개하고 주께돌아오는 하나님의 큰일이 더 많이 지게 하옵소서
    텔레반들의 악한 행위가 그리스도 예수이름앞에 굴복하게 하소서!


  3. 권정현

    Says October 15, 2021 at pm 11:50

    핍박과 죽음의 위협가운데서도 하나님나라가 더욱 더 확장되길 기도드립니다.
    선교사님과 목사님 자녀들과 가정을 보호하여 주시길 원합니다.
    하나님 영광 받아주소서!!

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