LEBANON | OCT. 8, 2021 — Islamists Threaten Christian Family Due to Church Attendance

LEBANON | OCT. 8, 2021 — Islamists Threaten Christian Family Due to Church Attendance

LEBANON | OCT. 8, 2021 — Islamists Threaten Christian Family Due to Church Attendance

LEBANON — Islamists Threaten Christian Family Due to Church Attendance

Amid threats from Islamists to stop attending church, a Lebanese brother witnessed to them about the joy and peace he has because of Christ.

Brother Amir was traveling with his wife and a friend when he received a phone call from a member of an Islamist group.

The man threatened Amir’s family, telling him that his family is under surveillance and that they spotted his only son attending a Christian church. The man warned Amir that if he doesn’t stop his son from going to church, he will “reap what he sows with his only son.” The man also asked Amir what kind of financial support the church was giving to him. “The only support they are giving me is the joy and peace of having Jesus Christ as my Savior,” Amir told the Islamist. Pray that Brother Amir and his family will stand firm in the Lord amid this pressure from those who oppose their gospel witness.

Pray that the Islamist will hear Amir’s testimony and begin to search for the joy and peace Amir has in Christ.


  1. 유혜영

    Says October 08, 2021 at pm 4:39

    오직 주님만이 우리의 기쁨이며 평화입니다.
    죽음도 두려워하지 않는 믿음주소서! 주님의 은혜를 구합니다.

  2. 권정현

    Says October 16, 2021 at am 12:01

    하나님의 나라는 의와 평강이니라! 라는 말씀이 생각납니다.
    하나님! 하나님만이 다스리스는 평화의 나라, 그 평화 평강이 아미르 형제님의 마음속에 넘치게 하소서
    어떤 핍박과 환란속에서도 주님의 이름과 형제의 믿음이 더욱 빛나길 기도드립니다.

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