ISRAEL | OCT. 1, 2021 — Messianic Believers Targeted with Harassment

ISRAEL | OCT. 1, 2021 — Messianic Believers Targeted with Harassment

ISRAEL | OCT. 1, 2021 — Messianic Believers Targeted with Harassment

ISRAEL — Messianic Believers Targeted with Harassment

Homes of Messianic believers have been graffitied by those who oppose their faith in Christ.

Messianic believers in Arad, South Israel, have recently become a target for harassment because of their faith in Christ.

Their homes have been covered with graffiti, and attackers have spit on them and insulted the name of Jesus when the believers are out in public. Harassers have also stalked them, scouting out their homes and meeting locations to insult them and create disturbances during their gatherings. Pray that these believers will remain firm in their faith and show the love of Christ to those who are harassing them.

Pray that their tormentors will see the truth of the gospel and trust in Christ.


  1. 권정현

    Says September 30, 2021 at am 12:33

    주님 이스라엘에 복음을 전하는 전도자들을 지켜주세요.
    저들이 복음을 전하고 예수그리스도를 믿는 사람들의 숫자가 많아지며, 성령님의 역사로 예수가 그리스도이심을 더욱 더
    널리 전파되게 해주세요.
    복음 믿고 따르는 형제와 자매들을 위험으로 부터 보호하여 주시며, 생활의 염려와 위험으로 부터 자유롭기를 간절히 원합니다.
    주예수그리스도의 이름으로 기도드립니다.

  2. 유혜영

    Says October 01, 2021 at am 6:57

    주님만이 왕이십니다. 어떠한 고난이 올지라도 두려움없는 그 믿음 허락하여 주소서!

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