AFGHANISTAN | SEP. 27, 2021 — Meeting Practical Needs with God’s Love

AFGHANISTAN  | SEP. 27, 2021 — Meeting Practical Needs with God’s Love

AFGHANISTAN | SEP. 27, 2021 — Meeting Practical Needs with God’s Love

AFGHANISTAN — Meeting Practical Needs with God’s Love

Even now, God’s love is on display in Afghanistan.

With ongoing turmoil in Afghanistan, front-line workers and others face challenges in getting aid into the country.

One of the biggest obstacles is that most banks are closed, blocking necessary funds for relief supplies, food and other materials. “We pray in God’s mercy that the Taliban would allow the country to open back up,” a front-line worker said. “We have connections where VOM is able to get practical assistance to our front-line workers … we have contacts on the ground who are getting practical assistance into the country to assist our brothers and sisters.” Believers in the country are using opportunities to serve through such “practical assistance,” displaying the love and humility of Christ and building relationships.

“It is a powerful witness, and coupled with praying with and for them and sharing the Word of God with them, God is pursing the Afghan people, and they are coming to Christ,” said the worker.


  1. 유혜영

    Says September 27, 2021 at am 9:12

    오병이어의 기적이 일어나는 아프가니스탄이 되어 모든 사람들이 주꼐로 나아오기를 기도합니다.!

  2. 권정현

    Says September 30, 2021 at am 12:44

    아프카니스탄에 새로운 문들이 열려지는 역사를 일으켜 주옵소서!
    지금까지 기도와 순교로 복음의 뿌리가 내려진 곳을 중심으로 하나님의 나라가 확장되게 하소서!
    현지의 선교사들과 식량, 구호물품들이 온전히 전달될 수 있도록 하나님 강권하여 주옵소서!

    생명의 위험을 받는 아프칸 형제자매들을 지켜주시며, 악으로 부터 보호하여 주옵소서

    복음전하는 형제 자매들의 자녀들에게도 함께 하셔서 저들이 그리스도의 사랑에 강권하여 제2 제3의 헌신된 복음전도자들이
    나오게 하소서!

    예수그리스도의 이름으로 기도드립니다.


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