NIGERIA | SEP. 17, 2021 — Woman Still Recovering After Multiple Injuries in Boko Haram Bombing

NIGERIA | SEP. 17, 2021 — Woman Still Recovering After Multiple Injuries in Boko Haram Bombing

NIGERIA | SEP. 17, 2021 — Woman Still Recovering After Multiple Injuries in Boko Haram Bombing

NIGERIA — Woman Still Recovering After Multiple Injuries in Boko Haram Bombing

Lydia Ishaya has undergone several surgeries for injuries following an attack by Boko Haram in 2016.

Lydia Ishaya lost her husband in 2015 after Boko Haram shot and killed him.

A year later, Lydia was in the market when Boko Haram attacked again, this time bombing the area multiple times. After the second bomb, Lydia, eight months pregnant at the time, was thrown to the ground in the blast. After crawling on her hands and knees to escape the smoke and chaos, she discovered her left leg broken, the skin on her hand and face peeled off, and her right eye so severely injured that she was unable to see. She cried out for help, and others near the scene helped her to a clinic where she connected with a pastor who took her to a hospital in Jos. At the hospital, she gave birth; her daughter was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and unable to move. Lydia’s right eye had to be removed, and her leg required iron rods screwed into the bones to help it heal correctly. Since then, she’s had multiple surgeries on her leg to repair the damage. Pray that Lydia continues to recover and that all pain would cease in her leg.

Pray for healing for her daughter, who is immobile and undergoing physiotherapy to treat her condition.

1 Comment

  1. 유혜영

    Says September 17, 2021 at am 8:11

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