SIERRA LEONE | AUG. 23, 2021 — Christian Woman’s Sewing Supplies Stolen by Family

SIERRA LEONE | AUG. 23, 2021 — Christian Woman’s Sewing Supplies Stolen by Family

SIERRA LEONE | AUG. 23, 2021 — Christian Woman’s Sewing Supplies Stolen by Family

SIERRA LEONE — Christian Woman's Sewing Supplies Stolen by Family

Fatima's family stole her sewing equipment and tried to force her to renounce Christ.

Fatima Koroma graduated from a VOM-supported sewing center in Kabala last year and moved to another village where she set up a sewing shop.

All was going well until a year later when her older sister found her in the new village with a new job and going to church. Fatima’s sister returned to her village, telling Fatima’s parents what she had discovered. Fatima’s parents then found Fatima and stole her sewing machine and all of her supplies. Fatima tried to report the theft to the police, but they refused to help, saying she needed to do what her parents said. Her parents forced her to return to their home and insisted that she give up her faith in Christ and turn to the mosque. They also pledged her in marriage to an elderly Muslim man to be his third wife. Fatima ran away before the wedding could occur, though, and is now staying with a Christian woman in a different village.

Pray for Fatima to remain firm in her faith. Pray that her sewing supplies will be returned, and pray that she can show the love of Christ to her family.

1 Comment

  1. 유혜영

    Says August 29, 2021 at pm 12:26

    오직 모든 일은 하나님의 주권아래 이루어짐을 깨닫습니다. 그러나 우리는 너무나 연약해서 믿음으로 평안함을 유지하기가 어렵습니다. 주님 어떠한 상황속에서 평안하게 하소서! 오직 주님의 뜻을 기다리며 예배하게 하소서!

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