ALGERIA | AUG. 11, 2021 — Government Seals Three More Churches as Crackdown Continues

ALGERIA | AUG. 11, 2021 — Government Seals Three More Churches as Crackdown Continues

ALGERIA | AUG. 11, 2021 — Government Seals Three More Churches as Crackdown Continues

ALGERIA — Government Seals Three More Churches as Crackdown Continues

The Algerian government has sealed 16 churches since 2017.

The Algerian government sealed three churches in Oran on July 7, the latest closings in a government campaign against Christian churches that began in 2017.

In November of that year, Algerian authorities began closing churches via a national ordinance mandating that permission must be obtained to use any building for non-Muslim worship. Since the ordinance was enacted in 2006, national authorities have not responded to any application for permission to use a facility for that purpose. Pray for wisdom for the church leaders and that the churches will receive permission to re-open soon. Pray that the government crackdown on churches would cease and that no more churches would be closed.

Pray that Christians in Algeria will be able to worship freely, and that their oppressors will receive salvation in Christ.


  1. 유혜영

    Says August 29, 2021 at pm 12:46

    모든 것은 하나님의 주권아래 있습니다. 오직 하나님만 의지합니다. 어떠한 상황과 환경속에서 우리는 예배하며 기도합니다. 주만 의지합니다.

    • 한국순교자의소리(VT) VOM KOREA

      Says September 03, 2021 at am 10:39

      핍박받는 우리의 형제자매들은 물리적인 압박과 정치적인 상황에서 자유롭지 못하지만, 이들의 영성은 다른 어떤것에 의존하지 않고, 오직 하나님의 말씀으로만 의존하여 그들의 신실한 믿음을 지켜나가고 있으며, 그 어떤 상황에 처해도 하나님을 예배할 수 있는 자유를 가졌습니다. 그리고 우리는 이러한 그들의 순수한 영성을 배워야합니다. 이들의 순교자의 영성이 우리에게도 흘러오기를 소망하고, 우리도 순교자의 영성으로 준비되어야 합니다.

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