NIGER | AUG. 2, 2021 — From Atheism to Joy in Christ

NIGER | AUG. 2, 2021 — From Atheism to Joy in Christ

NIGER | AUG. 2, 2021 — From Atheism to Joy in Christ

NIGER — From Atheism to Joy in Christ

Ibrahim was filled with joy when he got baptized after trusting Christ.

Ibrahim is 65 years old and the father of 14 children.

He has lived his life following no religion aside from belief in evil spirits. But Ibrahim now trusts in Christ. He heard the gospel when a young Fulani front-line worker explained the Scriptures to him, carefully helping him understand the salvation that is available only through Jesus Christ. Ibrahim gave his life to Jesus and was baptized. He is now sharing the gospel with others and encouraging his family to also give their lives to Christ. “When Ibrahim was being baptized, he was full of joy and said he immediately feels a huge change in his heart,” another front-line worker said. “

He asks us to pray for him in his new walk with Jesus Christ, and also to pray for his family!”


  1. Peace

    Says July 25, 2021 at pm 3:40

    그리스도께 인생을 맡긴 이브라힘을 축복해주시고 이브라임을 통해 그 가족과 이웃에게도 복음이 흘러가게 해주세요. 이브라임을 통해 니제르에서 주님께서 하실일을 기대합니다

    • Hrheo

      Says August 04, 2021 at pm 1:07

      아멘. 이브라힘형제를 통해 하나님께서 하실 일들을 기대하며 더욱 기도로 신실하게 동역해주시기 바랍니다.

  2. 유혜영

    Says August 29, 2021 at pm 1:16

    하나님! 생명이 태어나 자라고 성장해서 성숙한 어른의 믿음으로 자라도록 도와주시기를 기도합니다.

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