UGANDA | JUL. 30, 2021 — Somali Believers Receive Discipleship Training

UGANDA | JUL. 30, 2021 — Somali Believers Receive Discipleship Training

UGANDA | JUL. 30, 2021 — Somali Believers Receive Discipleship Training

UGANDA — Somali Believers Receive Discipleship Training

Somali believers receive discipleship training at a school in Uganda.

Many believers from inside Somalia are fleeing to Uganda, and this has created a unique discipleship opportunity as they seek to establish their lives in their new country.

These believers are participating in a discipleship training school where they are intentionally learning about God and growing in their Christian faith. Entire families are attending the school and growing in Christian fellowship with other Somali believers as well as believers from neighboring countries. Pray that these students will grow in their understanding of their faith and that they will continue to advance the gospel through their training.

Pray that their needs will be met as they start over in a new country.


  1. Peace

    Says July 25, 2021 at pm 3:44

    소말리아 기독교인들이 양육훈련을 통해 하나님을 더 알아가고 또 하나님을 전할수 있게 도와주시고.우간다에 정착하는데 필요한 모든것들을 공급해주세요

    • Hrheo

      Says August 04, 2021 at pm 1:14

      소말리아의 기독교인들과 기도로 한몸을 이루게 하신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 계속 기억하시며 기도에 더욱 힘써주세요. 감사합니다!

  2. 유혜영

    Says August 29, 2021 at pm 1:14

    이슬람이 얼마나 악한 종교인지 그분들이 깨닫고 오직 하나님만 섬기는 사람으로 바꾸어주십시요

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