BANGLADESH | JUN. 23, 2021 — Local Islamic Leaders Ostracize Relatives of Christian, Call for Arrests

BANGLADESH | JUN. 23, 2021 — Local Islamic Leaders Ostracize Relatives of Christian, Call for Arrests

BANGLADESH | JUN. 23, 2021 — Local Islamic Leaders Ostracize Relatives of Christian, Call for Arrests

BANGLADESH — Local Islamic Leaders Ostracize Relatives of Christian, Call for Arrests

Local Islamic leaders and Muslim villagers called for Mannan to be arrested after he became a Christian.

After Mannan left Islam to follow Jesus Christ, area Islamic leaders called for villagers to ostracize his relatives, even telling local vendors to deny them food.

As animosity toward Mannan and his relatives grew, the Islamic leaders and angry Muslim villagers called for police to arrest him and his relatives, falsely accusing them of causing trouble. On June 15, village police called Mannan, his relatives and the Islamic leaders to the police station. In front of about 100 villagers, the police called for peace and coexistence, and worked to calm tensions. The police official said there were no grounds for an arrest to be made and stated that Bangladeshi law allows for freedom of religion. Praise God for the police officers, who prioritized peace and religious freedom. Pray for Mannan to remain firm in Christ and for his relatives to decide to follow Jesus as well.

Pray that the hearts of the Islamic leaders and villagers will be softened and that they turn toward Jesus for forgiveness, salvation and everlasting life.


  1. 유혜영

    Says July 23, 2021 at am 11:45

    하나님! 그들이 공정과 정의를 깨닫게 하소서! 하나님을 두려워하는 마음을 주소서!

    • Hrheo

      Says July 23, 2021 at pm 4:49

      아멘. 우리의 기도에 응답하실 하나님만 기대합니다!

  2. Peace

    Says July 23, 2021 at pm 5:41

    경찰관들을 통해 만난과 그의 친척들을 보호해주시는 하나님 감사합니다. 이슬람지도자들과 주민들의 마음을 부드럽게 해주시고 그 마을 모두 예수믿고 구원받게 해주세요

    • Hrheo

      Says August 04, 2021 at pm 12:59

      기도의 동역 감사드립니다!

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