UGANDA | JUL. 19, 2021 — Mother Curses Daughter for Faith in Christ

UGANDA | JUL. 19, 2021 — Mother Curses Daughter for Faith in Christ

UGANDA | JUL. 19, 2021 — Mother Curses Daughter for Faith in Christ

UGANDA — Mother Curses Daughter for Faith in Christ

Anifa, 19, was kicked out of her home after she trusted Christ.

Anifa is 19 years old and came to faith in Christ earlier this year.

She had been suffering from seizures and received healing through prayer at a Christian church in Arua. Her mother, a radical Muslim, became enraged at her daughter’s conversion and threw her out of their home. Her mother also cursed her and threatened to have her killed. After Anifa’s mother kicked her out, she moved in with her aunt, who is also a Christian. Anifa has enrolled in tailoring classes, but her aunt is planning to relocate to South Sudan, and Anifa will be looking for a home once again. Pray for Anifa to remain firm in her faith as she faces trials.

Pray for safety and peace of mind as she rebuilds her life.


  1. 유혜영

    Says July 19, 2021 at pm 4:19

    주님! 한 영혼을 통해 인도하실 주님의 은혜에 감사와 영광을 올려드립니다.! 죽음도 두려워하지 않는 그 믿음 부어주소서!

    • Hrheo

      Says July 23, 2021 at pm 4:48

      아멘! 기도의 동역 감사드립니다. 동역자분들의 신실한 기도로 선하게 역사하실 하나님만 기대합니다!

      • Peace

        Says July 23, 2021 at pm 5:57

        아니파를 사랑하시고 구원해주신 하나님 감사합니다. 아니파의 모든 앞길을 주님께서 함께해주시고 고난이 와도 심지가 견고하며 하나님을 바라보고 의지하는 믿음을 더하여 주세요

        • Hrheo

          Says August 04, 2021 at pm 1:02

          신실한 기도의 동역 감사드립니다!

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