PAKISTAN | JUL. 02, 2021 — Christmas Care Pack Strengthens Faith in God

PAKISTAN | JUL. 02, 2021 — Christmas Care Pack Strengthens Faith in God

PAKISTAN | JUL. 02, 2021 — Christmas Care Pack Strengthens Faith in God

PAKISTAN — Christmas Care Pack Strengthens Faith in God

Pakistani children receiving Christmas Care Packs.

Anila is a young girl who lives with her older sister, mother, and alcoholic father who spends all of the family’s money on his addiction.

The family has experienced much emotional trauma because of his alcoholism, and Anila’s mother has attempted suicide. Anila is in the fourth grade, and she has to carry books to school in a sack. She’s also been attending Sunday school through the influence of her neighbor, eager to study Scripture and memorize Bible verses, and she has been praying for Jesus to change her dad’s heart. Recently, Anila received a Christmas Care backpack from VOM workers. She was overjoyed that she no longer had to carry her books to school in a sack, and she was delighted to receive a children’s Bible. Through the Christmas Care pack, Anila’s hope in God has grown. “After receiving the Christmas Care backpack, she now believes that one day her father will be changed by the grace of God and the joy of their family will be restored,” a VOM worker said. Pray that Anila will continue to grow in her faith. Pray for Anila’s father to know Jesus as Lord through his daughter’s example.

Pray for him to overcome his addiction, and pray for Anila’s family to find joy and peace in Christ.


  1. Sooho

    Says July 07, 2021 at pm 1:09

    어린아이의 기도를 기뻐 받으시는 주님께서 속히 응답하시리라 믿습니다. 아이의 기도를 들어주시고, 아이를 늘 지켜 보호하사 주님의 영광을 드러내며 살아가게 하소서.

    • Hrheo

      Says July 10, 2021 at am 9:40

      기도의 동역 감사드립니다. 아닐라를 기억하시며 계속 기도해주시고, 주위분들께도 알려주셔서 계신곳에서 핍박받는 형제자매들의 ‘소리’가 되어주세요!

  2. Peace

    Says July 25, 2021 at pm 4:26

    아닐라를 사랑으로 품어주시고 구원해주신 하나님 감사합니다.아닐라의 모든 앞길을 인도해주시고 아닐라를 통하여 온가족과많은 이웃이 하나님께로 돌아오게 해주세요. 특히 아빠의 알콜중독을 치유해주시고 아빠로 인해 상처받은 가족의 마음도 회복시켜주세요

    • Hrheo

      Says August 07, 2021 at pm 4:05

      기도의 동역 감사드립니다. 아닐라를 기억하시며 그 가정을 품고 기도로 계속 동역해주세요.

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