NIGERIA | JUN. 28, 2021 — One Killed and Others Wounded, Missing After Islamist Attack on Church

NIGERIA | JUN. 28, 2021 — One Killed and Others Wounded, Missing After Islamist Attack on Church

NIGERIA | JUN. 28, 2021 — One Killed and Others Wounded, Missing After Islamist Attack on Church

NIGERIA — One Killed and Others Wounded, Missing After Islamist Attack on Church

The burned remains of a Nigerian home after an attack by radical Islamists.

Radical Fulani Muslims killed one, wounded another and kidnapped five others in an attack on Haske Baptist Church in Manini Tasha village, Kaduna state.

Survivors said the Islamists arrived in the village by motorcycle while the church was meeting. “They surrounded the church and started shooting,” one survivor said. “They shot at us randomly and at anyone they sighted.” Pray for the safe return of those who are still missing, and pray for peace for the families of those whose loved ones are missing or killed.

Pray that their faith remains firm and that they can be a bold witness for Christ to their persecutors.


  1. Peace

    Says July 26, 2021 at pm 4:32

    하스케 침례교회 성도들에게 강함과 담대함을 주시고 모든 것을 이겨낼 수 있는 하나님의 능력을 부어주세요. 피해를 입은 이들의 가족을 위로해 주시고 하나님의 샬롬으로 덧입혀 주세요. 풀라니족 이슬람 극단주의자들의 마음도 변화시켜주셔서 더 이상 성도들을 핍박하지 않도록 도와주세요

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