IRAN | JUN. 25, 2021 — Police Chief Helps Distribute Bibles

IRAN | JUN. 25, 2021 — Police Chief Helps Distribute Bibles

IRAN | JUN. 25, 2021 — Police Chief Helps Distribute Bibles

IRAN — Police Chief Helps Distribute Bibles

Farsi New Testaments being delivered under the cover of night.

A Persian house church leader had two boxes of Farsi New Testaments in the trunk of his car.

When he saw that he was approaching a police checkpoint, he pulled over and left the boxes of Bibles on the side of the road. Later that night, the police chief saw the boxes on the roadside and thought they might contain contraband, so he put them in his truck and took them home. Once he got home and opened the boxes, he discovered the boxes were filled with Bibles and wasn’t sure what to do with them. Since the Persian New Year was approaching, he decided to give the Bibles to each family member and guest at his home. A VOM worker reported that when one of the women who received a Bible called the contact information inside of it and was asked who gave her the New Testament, she replied, “My family friend. He is the police chief.” Pray that the police chief and those who received the Bibles will find salvation in Christ through them.

Pray that Bible distributors in Iran will continue to find creative ways of delivering Bibles into the country.


  1. 유혜영

    Says June 22, 2021 at am 7:26

    주님 감사합니다. 많은 영혼이 주께로 돌아오는 그 기적이 일어나게 하소서!

    • Hrheo

      Says June 25, 2021 at am 11:40

      기도로 동역해주셔서 감사드립니다! 하나님께서 동역자 한분한분의 기도로 신실하게 일하고 계심을 느낍니다. 주변분들께도 많이 알리셔서 순교의영성을 전하고 핍박받는 형제자매들의’소리’가 되어주세요!

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