SOMALIA | JUN. 23, 2021 — Hopeful Update for Imprisoned Christians Awaiting Trial

SOMALIA | JUN. 23, 2021 — Hopeful Update for Imprisoned Christians Awaiting Trial

SOMALIA | JUN. 23, 2021 — Hopeful Update for Imprisoned Christians Awaiting Trial

SOMALIA — Hopeful Update for Imprisoned Christians Awaiting Trial

Pray for Somali Christians who are imprisoned for their faith in Christ.

Several Christians who were arrested earlier this year have recently seen a positive turn in their case.

These Christians are currently in custody in Somaliland, a semi-autonomous area of Somalia. They were arrested earlier this year and were originally accused of spreading Christianity. After several court days, however, the prosecutor charged the Christians with denouncing Islam, which carries a death sentence for Muslims who decide to follow Christ. However, the judge has now decreed that the case will be decided according to international law instead of Sharia, which is more favorable for Christians. Pray that God works in the judge’s heart to release these brothers and sisters in Christ.

Pray that their faith can remain strong while they are in prison, and pray that they can share the love of Christ with other prisoners as well as prison and court officials.


  1. 유혜영

    Says June 24, 2021 at pm 7:09

    주님 도우소서! 죽음도 두려워하지 않는 그 믿음 허락하여주소서!

    • Hrheo

      Says June 25, 2021 at am 11:49

      아멘! 신실한 기도의 동역 감사드립니다. 주님이 하셨기에 영광받으실줄 믿습니다.

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