LEBANON | JUN. 21, 2021 — Families Find Hope Through Christian Ministries

LEBANON | JUN. 21, 2021 — Families Find Hope Through Christian Ministries

LEBANON | JUN. 21, 2021 — Families Find Hope Through Christian Ministries

LEBANON — Families Find Hope Through Christian Ministries

Workers help with meal distribution at an outreach center.

VOM workers recently reported how God is at work in families through the outreach efforts of a Christian ministry in Lebanon.

Through visitation, food distribution, family counseling, Discovery Bible Study groups and educational and athletic programs for kids, Christian workers have had many opportunities to share the hope of Christ. One worker shared how he visited a man who wanted to divorce his wife, but after the worker shared biblical truth and prayed with him, he no longer wanted the divorce and is open to hearing more from the Bible. A single mother from another family expressed gratitude for how the sports academy has discipled her son with biblical principles and for the role models in the program in the absence of his father. Pray for these families and many others like them who need the hope of Christ.

Pray that this ministry’s needs would be met and that it can continue to reach Lebanese families with the gospel.


  1. 유혜영

    Says June 24, 2021 at pm 7:15

    우리 평생가는 길에 오직 주님만이 우리의 위로자이십니다. 할렐루야!

    • Hrheo

      Says June 25, 2021 at am 11:49

      아멘! 하나님께서 기도할 마음을 유혜영님께 허락해주심에 감사드립니다.

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