LAOS | JUN. 11, 2021 — Man Evicted from Village for Faith in Christ

LAOS | JUN. 11, 2021 — Man Evicted from Village for Faith in Christ

LAOS | JUN. 11, 2021 — Man Evicted from Village for Faith in Christ

LAOS — Man Evicted from Village for Faith in Christ

Keo, 61, has been evicted from his village for his faith in Jesus Christ.

After Keo’s wife suffered from numerous health problems for several years, a witchdoctor told
the couple to live separately until his wife found healing.

From 2015 to 2019, Keo lived in a small hut he built for himself. In November 2019, he learned about Jesus. He attended a worship gathering and was moved to give his life to Christ and be baptized. In early 2020, his wife, relatives and village authorities learned of Keo’s Christian faith. His wife threatened to leave him if he didn’t leave Jesus, his relatives said they would cut him off from the family and village leaders formed a plan to evict him. Keo refused to abandon Christ, so villagers destroyed his hut. Currently, 61-year-old Keo is living with a local pastor, but he is in poor health and has no job. Pray for Keo to remain strong in his faith, experience healing and find work. Pray for him to find his own place to live and be reunited with his wife.

Pray that she will hear the gospel and accept Christ as her Lord and Savior.


  1. kim

    Says June 08, 2021 at am 4:32

    좋으신 하나님!
    라오스의 케오형제를 기억하여주세요. 우리의 소망되신 주님을 바라보면서 케오형제가 믿음을 굳게 지켜나갈수 있게 도와주세요. 그의 건강을 지켜주시며 일자리도 얻을수 있도록 축복하여주세요.
    케오형제가 자신의 집을 마련할수 있도록 해주셔서 그의 아내와 재결합할수 있도록 해주시며 그의 아내도 복음을 듣고 주님을 구원자로 영접할수 있는 은혜도 더하여 주세요.
    우리를 불쌍히 여겨주시는 주 예수님 이름으로 기도하였습니다 아멘

    • Hrheo

      Says June 11, 2021 at pm 2:25

      기도의 동역 감사드립니다! 그마음의 주인되시는 하나님께 감사드립니다. 신앙때문에 갇히고 학대받는 자들을 생각하라는 히브리서 13장 3절 말씀을 기억하며 주변분들께 이러한 기도제목들을 많이 나누시고 기도요청해주시길 바랍니다.

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