BENIN | MAY. 31, 2021 — Young Woman Rejected by Family for Following Christ

BENIN | MAY. 31, 2021 — Young Woman Rejected by Family for Following Christ

BENIN | MAY. 31, 2021 — Young Woman Rejected by Family for Following Christ

BENIN — Young Woman Rejected by Family for Following Christ

Divine was kicked out of her house because of her faith in Christ.

A young woman experienced persecution from her family for her newfound faith in Christ.

Divine accepted Christ after a front-line worker shared the gospel in her village. Shortly after she became a Christian, her family began to beat her and refused to give her any food to eat. They tried to force her to recant and return to worshiping their traditional gods. When she would not give up Christ, they told her she was no longer part of their family and kicked her out of their house. The front-line worker provided Divine with a place to live and helped her with educational expenses and supplies to become a tailor. “I could not give up Jesus because Jesus [is] my Lord and gave me a new life,” Divine said.

“My most important prayer request would be that I want my family to know Christ and that I could lead them to Christ.”


  1. 유혜영

    Says May 31, 2021 at am 8:51

    오직 주님만이 왕이십니다.
    그곳에 함께 있는 것처럼 생각하고 말하고 먹고 마시며 기도하겠습니다.
    디바인자매님은 혼자가 아닙니다.
    기도하는 우리는 예수그리스도를 머리로 둔 한몸입니다.

    • Hrheo

      Says June 05, 2021 at pm 2:40

      베냉의 핍박받는 자매를 위해 기도해 주셔서 감사드립니다. 하나님께서 우리들 한 사람 한 사람의 기도로 선하게 일하실 것을 신뢰합니다!

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