PAKISTAN | APR. 21, 2021 — Woman Working to Provide for Family Pressured to Convert to Islam

PAKISTAN | APR. 21, 2021 — Woman Working to Provide for Family Pressured to Convert to Islam

PAKISTAN | APR. 21, 2021 — Woman Working to Provide for Family Pressured to Convert to Islam

PAKISTAN — Woman Working to Provide for Family Pressured to Convert to Islam

Samina (right) has been pressured by her Muslim co-workers to convert to reject Jesus Christ. She is working to provide for her family as her husband Amjed (left) suffers from kidney disease.

In 2016, Samina Masih started working in a factory to support her family and cover her husband’s medical expenses.

Amjed, her husband, has suffered from kidney disease for six years and requires dialysis three times a week. Recently, as Samina prayed at work, her Muslim co-workers stopped her and pressured her to convert to Islam. Amjed and Samina are remaining strong in their faith, praying regularly at home and at church. Pray for the couple to continue to be encouraged as they navigate Amjed’s health challenges, their financial troubles and persecution at Samina’s job.

Pray for Amjed to be healed from his disease and pray for God’s provision for their family and for Samina to continue to exhibit God’s grace and truth at work.



    Says April 23, 2021 at am 9:59

    하나님 아버지 부디 파키스탄의 형제 아므제드와 사미나 마시흐를 주님의 보호 아래 믿음이 흔들리지 않도록 도와주소서 그들의 기도에 귀를 기울여주시고 그들의 가정에 주님의 임재가 임하도록 궁휼을 베풀어주소서 부디 이 가정을 주님께서 어여삐 여겨주시고 주님께서 귀하게 여기시는 주의 종으로 삼아주소서. 예수님의 이름으로 기도합니다. 아멘.

    • Hrheo

      Says April 29, 2021 at pm 2:46

      갇힌자를 생각하고 학대받는 자를 생각하라는 히브리서 13장 3절 말씀에 따라 신앙때문에 박해받는 형제자매들을 생각하고 기도해주시니 감사드립니다. 기도할 마음을 허락하신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 계신곳에서 주변분들께 이들의 소리가 되어 소식을 전하여 주시고 이들의 신앙을 통해 많은 도전을 드리시기 바랍니다.

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