ERITREA | Apr. 14, 2021 — Christian Women Released from Island Prison

ERITREA | Apr. 14, 2021 — Christian Women Released from Island Prison

ERITREA | Apr. 14, 2021 — Christian Women Released from Island Prison

ERITREA — Christian Women Released from Island Prison

The notorious Nakura prison.

On Feb. 26, 2021, a group of 21 Christian women was released from the notorious Nakura prison.

Many of the released prisoners were part of a large group of Christians arrested in the summer of 2017. Over 200 were arrested, including a group taken during a wedding celebration. The newly released women were the last female prisoners held at the prison on the Red Sea. One woman was 15 years old when she was arrested; she is now 29, and her parents have since divorced. Another was 16 when she was arrested; both of her parents died while she was in prison. Other Christians are providing clothing, food and housing to the released women.

Pray for their restoration to health and life, and pray for the 26 Christian men who remain at Nakura prison.


  1. kim

    Says April 12, 2021 at am 3:46

    사랑의 주님!
    주님을 믿는 신앙을 이유로 핍박받는 에리트레아의 성도들을 기억하여주세요. 어떠한 환경속에서도 믿음을 버리지 않는 그들의 신앙을 본받게 하여주시며 지쳐있을지도 모를 그들을 주님께서 친히 위로하여주시기 원합니다.
    특히 나쿠라 교도소에서 석방된 지체들을 돌보는 사역자들을 기억하여 주시고 석방된 지체들이 건강을 회복하고 일상으로 돌아올수 있도록 인도하여주세요..필요한것들이 공급되어지고 아직도 나쿠라 교도소에 남겨진 26명의 수감자들을 기억하여주시기 원합니다…..

    • Hrheo

      Says April 16, 2021 at am 10:05

      아프리카의 북한이라 불리는 ‘에리트레아’나라에서 핍박당하는 우리의 형제자매들을 늘 기억하시며 기도로 동역해주시길 바랍니다.

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