ISRAEL | APR. 5, 2021 — Tough Times for Ethiopian Believers

ISRAEL | APR. 5, 2021 — Tough Times for Ethiopian Believers

ISRAEL | APR. 5, 2021 — Tough Times for Ethiopian Believers

ISRAEL — Tough Times for Ethiopian Believers

Ethiopian believers in Israel experience double persecution.

The extreme circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic have led to great highs as well as difficult valleys for Messianic members of the Ethiopian expatriate community in Israel.

Many Ethiopian Jews have immigrated to Israel, and some of those have embraced Jesus as Messiah. However, Ethiopians often experience discrimination in Israel, and choosing to follow Jesus only adds to these barriers. Recently, a VOM partner wrote that many young people from the Ethiopian community came to faith in Jesus during the pandemic, and many of these new believers are already facing persecution for their faith. Additionally, a group of activists has decided to campaign for a law against evangelism, further adding to the pressure.

The partner says some of these activists have gone on the radio encouraging people to harm any believer they meet. “I would like to pray that God will destroy the plans of the enemy,” the partner wrote. 


  1. kim

    Says April 09, 2021 at am 2:30

    사랑의 주님!
    이스라엘에 거주하고 있는 에디오피아계 메시아닉유대인들을 기억하여주셔서 그들을 모든 사악한 자들과 곤란한 환경으로부터 지켜주세요..주님을 따르기로 한것에 대한 댓가로 온갖 차별과 어려움을 겪고 있지만 그들의 믿음은 주님안에서 더욱 굳건해질 수 있도록 주님 도와주세요.
    그리고 일부 유대인활동가들이 기독교인을 만나면 공격하라고 부추기고 있다고 합니다. 주님..원수들의 계획이 좌절되어질수 있도록 성도 한사람 한사람을 보호하여주세요 아멘

    • Hrheo

      Says April 09, 2021 at pm 5:33

      에디오피아의 핍박받는 형제자매들과 기도로 동역해주셔서 감사드립니다. 그 마음을 허락하신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 주변분들께도 소식전해주시며 기도요청하셔서 계신곳에서 순교자, 핍박받는 형제자매들의 ‘소리’가 되어주세요!

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