ETHIOPIA | APR. 2, 2021 — Christians Rejoice After Church Destroyed

ETHIOPIA | APR. 2, 2021 — Christians Rejoice After Church Destroyed

ETHIOPIA | APR. 2, 2021 — Christians Rejoice After Church Destroyed

ETHIOPIA — Christians Rejoice After Church Destroyed

The Enewari Full Gospel Church was burned.

Angry community members burned down a church after a medical missions team shared the gospel.

The Enewari Full Gospel church hosted the medical missions team last year in an effort to bless their community of Debre Brehane. Many people came seeking medical attention, angering local Orthodox extremists. On March 10, 2020, at 5 p.m., hundreds of youth marched on the church. They assaulted three Christians, who had to be sent to the hospital, and burned all the buildings on the church compound. Afterward, the mob went around the community telling believers they would kill them if they left their homes. The next day, a smaller group of young men came and looted everything that was not burned. When officials were asked to intervene, they told the Christians they should not have been preaching the gospel. The day after the church was burned, a group of believers met in the church to spend time singing and praising God.   

Pray that their faith remains steadfast and for their protection from attacks.


  1. kim

    Says March 29, 2021 at am 2:16

    사랑의 주님!
    핍박과 박해속에서도 여전한 주님에 대한 사랑으로 불탄 교회에 모여 주님을 찬양하며 예배한 에네와리 순복음교회 성도들을 기억하여주세요. 그들의 주님을 향한 믿음이 흔들리지 않게 해주시며 그들을 악한자들로부터의 공격에서 지켜주세요.
    주님의 은혜로 불탄 교회건물도 새롭게 아름답게 지어져서 주님께 영광돌려드리고 성도들에겐 주님으로부터의 귀한 선물과 위로가 되어질수 있도록 모든 필요를 채워주소서…아멘

    • Hrheo

      Says March 31, 2021 at pm 12:03

      에티오피아의 핍박받는 형제자매들과 기도로 동역해 주셔서 감사드립니다. 이같은 소식들을 계신 곳 주변 분들께 많이 전달해주셔서 한분이라도 더 기도에 동참할 수 있도록 하여주시고, 계속 기억하며 기도해주시길 부탁드립니다.

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