NORTH KOREA | MAR. 31, 2021 — Many Audio Bibles Already Distributed This Year

NORTH KOREA | MAR. 31, 2021 — Many Audio Bibles Already Distributed This Year

NORTH KOREA | MAR. 31, 2021 — Many Audio Bibles Already Distributed This Year

NORTH KOREA — Many Audio Bibles Already Distributed This Year

North Koreans listen to God's Word using an audio Bible they received.

So far this year, VOM has distributed many audio Bibles to North Koreans who work in China.

. These audio Bibles have proven valuable to those who have received them. “Through the MP3, I learned that God created the world, and that God is alive and protecting us,” said one North Korean who received an audio Bible. “Knowing this is like a dream. Thank you for sending us the MP3, which is full of the Word.” Pray that each North Korean who has received an audio Bible will grow in their faith. Also pray for distributions that are underway now and for those that will take place later this year.

Ask God to prepare the hearts of North Koreans who will receive audio Bibles in the future, and praise Him for His faithfulness. 


  1. kim

    Says March 29, 2021 at am 2:23

    은혜와 진리되신 주님!
    우리를 향하신 주님의 무한한 그 사랑을 감사드립니다. 북한 동포들이 오디오성경을 통해 창조주되신 하나님, 우리의 구원자되심을 알게 해주시니 감사드립니다. 오디오성경을 받은 북한 주민들이 믿음안에서 성장될 수 있게 해주시며 앞으로 있을 성경배포사역에도 주님의 은혜가운데 이루어지게 하여주세요.
    그리고 또 이 성경을 받게될 북한 주민들의 심령을 준비시켜주시옵소서…
    모든 사역을 이뤄가시는 신실하신 주님을 찬양하며 감사드립니다. 예수님 이름으로 기도합니다 아멘

    • Hrheo

      Says March 31, 2021 at pm 12:04

      핍박받는 그리스도인들과 그리스도의 한몸을 이루는 사역에 신실한 기도로 동역해 주셔서 감사드립니다.

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