MYANMAR | FEB. 22, 2021 — Christ on the Throne

MYANMAR | FEB. 22, 2021 — Christ on the Throne

MYANMAR | FEB. 22, 2021 — Christ on the Throne

MYANMAR — Christ on the Throne

Myanmar Christians know their hope is in the Lord, not the government.

Christians in Myanmar request urgent prayer after a military coup that occurred on Feb. 1.

A military junta (committee) had ruled Myanmar for more than five decades, and when national elections were held in 2015, the country entered its brightest period of history in the modern era, said a VOM worker in Myanmar. “Citizens of Myanmar irrespective of color, religion, language and ethnic group enjoyed freedom of speech and religion,” he said. However, when the military took control of the government on Feb. 1, that period came to an end. “From a political point of view,” the VOM worker said, “things seem uncertain, but one thing we are sure about is Jesus is still our king. Nothing happens to us without his knowledge and permission. Kindly uphold us in your prayers. ” 

Pray for God to intervene in our political situation. Pray that peace and not bloodshed will prevail in our nation. Pray Christians in Myanmar will not be disheartened or dismayed, but remain strong in Christ, moving forward in our pilgrimage with joy and boldness.


  1. 유정록

    Says March 02, 2021 at pm 4:55

    하나님의 공의와 정의가 미얀마 땅을 덮으시며 모든 우상이 무너지며 거룩한 주님의 자녀들이 일어나기를 기도합니다.

    • Hrheo

      Says March 05, 2021 at pm 4:54

      기도의 동역 감사드립니다. 기도할 마음을 부어주신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 기도요청내용처럼 군사쿠데타의 어려운 상황속에서도 그리스도인들이 낙담하지 않고 담대하게 전진하며 하나님만 소망하도록 더욱 기도부탁드립니다.

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