MIDDLE EAST | FEB. 15, 2021 — Extremists Threaten Pastor with Knives

MIDDLE EAST | FEB. 15, 2021 — Extremists Threaten Pastor with Knives

MIDDLE EAST | FEB. 15, 2021 — Extremists Threaten Pastor with Knives

MIDDLE EAST — Extremists Threaten Pastor with Knives

The pastor and his family serve in a difficult part of the Middle East.

A pastor and his family haven’t left their home for more than 30 days after receiving threats from extremists.

 The pastor serves in a difficult area of the Middle East and has lived under pressure for many years. Recently, an extremist group began sending threatening messages to his phone. Some of the messages contained video of the extremists holding large knives and making motions as though they were going to slit his throat. His persecutors also appeared at his front door one day with automatic weapons, but the pastor and his family weren’t there. After the attackers left, the family remained at home for a full month to avoid trouble. Local police have not been helpful. The VOM worker who spoke to them said, “His wife was a bit emotional when I asked her about how she was handling it with the kids, but they seem determined to stay there and love their neighbors.” 

Pray for protection and good opportunities for this family.  


  1. kang

    Says February 17, 2021 at pm 10:13

    신실하신 하나님 중동의 목회자와 그의 가정을 주님께 올려드립니다.
    죽음의 공포 가운데 있지만 언약에 신실하신 하나님을 기억하길 원합니다.
    다윗을 사울에 손에서 건지신 하나님, 아합과 이세벨의 위협가운데서도 엘리야를 지키신 하나님, 의인을 지키시고 악인에게 공의로운 심판을 내리시는 하나님이 목회자와 그의 가정 또 그의 교회에도 함께 하여주길 바랍니다.
    하나님께서 그의 방패요 상급이 되어 주실 줄 믿습니다.
    위기 속에도 살아계셔서 우리를 도우시는 하나님을 경험하고 만나는 기회가 되게하여 주시옵소서!

    • Hrheo

      Says February 20, 2021 at pm 1:49

      기도의 동역 감사드립니다. 한분 한분의 신실한 기도가 합쳐져서 하나님의 선한 뜻이 이루어질 것을 기대합니다.

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