IRAN | DEC. 11, 2020 — Imprisoned Christian’s Son Expelled from School

IRAN | DEC. 11, 2020 — Imprisoned Christian’s Son Expelled from School

IRAN | DEC. 11, 2020 — Imprisoned Christian’s Son Expelled from School

IRAN — Imprisoned Christian’s Son Expelled from School

Believers are imprisoned for their Christian activities, but others continue to share the gospel in spite of the risks.

An imprisoned Christian is asking for prayer specifically for his son.

Ali was arrested for his participation in a house church, and he is being kept in a prison separate from other Christians arrested at the same time. He also says he is often insulted by other prisoners for his faith. Imprisonment is difficult enough, but Ali has an added stress: his son was expelled from school after his father’s arrest, also losing his scholarship. Worrying about his family has overwhelmed Ali at times, but he says he is learning to turn to God in these moments and trust that both his life and his family’s lives are in God’s hands. He told a VOM partner that he is thankful for all the brothers and sisters who are standing alongside him as he endures this trial.

Pray for Ali in prison, and pray for his family outside the prison as they navigate challenges without their husband and father.  



    Says December 17, 2020 at am 10:37

    안녕하세요 형제, 자매님.
    먼 땅에서도 이렇게 형제, 자매님의 소식을 듣게되어 다행입니다.
    그리스도 안에서 함께 살아가는 이 시대에, 한 지체의 고난 소식에 마음이 아파집니다.
    이런 때일수록, 주의 사랑하심이 크다고 믿어 의심치 않습니다.
    또한, 주의 능력이 함께 하심을 믿습니다.
    사랑합니다. 그리고 힘내십시오.

    • Hrheo

      Says December 17, 2020 at am 11:15

      기도로 우리 핍박받는 형제자매와 동역해주셔서 감사드립니다. 그 마음을 허락하신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 주변에 기도의 동역자분들께도 소식과 기도제목 함께 나누셔서 계신곳에서 순교자의 ‘소리’가 되어주세요!

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