LAOS | OCT. 28, 2020 — Bomb, Fire Used Against Christians in Bru Village

LAOS  | OCT. 28, 2020 — Bomb, Fire Used Against Christians in Bru Village

LAOS | OCT. 28, 2020 — Bomb, Fire Used Against Christians in Bru Village

LAOS — Bomb, Fire Used Against Christians in Bru Village

These three families are determined to follow Christ in their home village in spite of the persecution.

Bru community in rural Laos was so determined to drive out a group of Christian families that they resorted to drastic measures.

 “They were so resistant to their faith, they were trying to scare them out of the village or to renounce their faith,” a VOM field worker said. Persecution began in 2018 when the villagers killed the livestock and crops of the three families. They even planted a bomb in their cooking fire, hoping to scare or injure them. The Christian families are also banned from using the village well. Even so, the believers are determined to stay in their village as a testimony to God’s power, so they requested that VOM drill a well for them. 

Pray that the firm bravery of these families will cause many in their village to turn to God. 


  1. 김현주

    Says November 13, 2020 at pm 3:41

    라오스 브루족 형제자매들을 위해 기도합니다. 오로지 하나님 한 분만을 진정 구원자로 믿고 끝까지 믿음으로 나아가는 그들을 안아주시고 눈동자같이 지켜주시옵소서. 복음과 사랑으로 다른 주민들이 예수님을 알고 믿게 하여 주소서. 우리 형제자매들에게 성령님 강력히 임하여 주소서 예수 그리스도 이름으로 기도합니다 아멘

    • Hrheo

      Says November 14, 2020 at am 11:20

      기도로 라오스의 핍박받는 형제자매들과 동역하게 하신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 주변분들과 핍박받는 기독교인들의 소식, 기도제목들 나누셔서 계신곳에서 순교자,핍박받는 형제자매의 ‘소리’가 되어주세요!

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