ETHIOPIA | OCT. 07, 2020 — Anti-Government Rebels Kill Pastor
ETHIOPIA — Anti-Government Rebels Kill Pastor

Pastor Negus was killed by anti-government rebels.
A pastor in western Ethiopia was murdered after he refused to give money to a rebel group.
Pastor Negus, in ministry for 20 years, was from a small town in the West Elega Zone of the Oromia region. A rebel group called the Oromia Liberation Front (OLF) approached the pastor in November 2019 and asked the pastor for monetary assistance. They also directed him to tell his congregation to provide money and food to their cause. Though Pastor Negus knew the OLF was known for killing those suspected to be pro-government or those who do not help them, he refused to let them use the church for political purposes. The rebels killed him instantly. His children, ranging from ages 5 to 18, and his wife have since been supported by local believers.
Pray for their family and for the faith of believers in that area to remain strong.