NIGERIA | AUG. 19, 2020 — Islamist Attacks Continue

NIGERIA | AUG. 19, 2020 — Islamist Attacks Continue

NIGERIA | AUG. 19, 2020 — Islamist Attacks Continue

NIGERIA — Islamist Attacks Continue

VOM is helping feed some of the displaced

When Islamists sent a warning letter to the Bakkai community in Kankara state, villagers requested protection from local vigilantes.

But when the attack occurred, on June 28, the militants easily overpowered them, killing nine and injuring many others. And that was just one of the violent attacks in June. “About 395 Nigerians were killed and 48 injured in attacks in June 2020,” a local VOM worker said. “Muslim Fulani herdsmen have been taking siege of farmlands and killing the people.” Both Muslims and Christians have been affected by these attacks.

Pray for the many families that have lost loved ones.


  1. rejoice

    Says September 09, 2020 at am 4:28

    사랑하는 주님…수없이 많은 나이지리아의 참된 성도들이 주님이 가신 그 고난의 길을 두려워하지 않고 떠났습니다. 갑작스럽게 사랑하는 가족을 잃은 가족들을 위로하여주시고 이제 그 핍박과 환란이 우리를 향해 올때도 우리 역시 두려워하지 않고 담대한 마음을 주시는 주의 영에 힘입어 이땅 가운데 하나님의 영광을 드러내는데 사용되어지게 하여주시기 원합니다.
    감사드리며 우리주님의 이름으로 기도하였습니다 아멘

    • Hrheo

      Says September 26, 2020 at am 11:39

      계속 기도로 동참해주시고 주변분들께도 나눠주시기 바랍니다.

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