INDIA | AUG. 10, 2020 — Young Husband Killed by Fanatics
INDIA — Young Husband Killed by Fanatics

Hindu fanatics harassed Kande for two years until they murdered him
When Kande Mudu became a Christian in 2018, the Hindu fanatics in his village in Jharkhand state pressured him to renounce his faith.
When he refused to participate in Hindu religious festivals, they threatened him. One night after his daughter was born, the fanatics showed up at his house, caught his mother-in-law and gang-raped her. In May 2020, locals came to the house and told Kande to stop his Christian activities. Kande told his wife they needed to remain vigilant in prayer. On the night of June 7, an armed mob arrived at their door. As they took Kande, he told his wife, “I may be killed tonight, but I will never attack these people. Never give up your faith, even if I am killed.” The next morning, Kande’s body was found next to the road.
Pray for Kande’s wife, who will now raise their two children alone.