TURKMENISTAN | MAY. 29, 2020 — Police Raid Christian Meetings

TURKMENISTAN | MAY. 29, 2020  — Police Raid Christian Meetings

TURKMENISTAN | MAY. 29, 2020 — Police Raid Christian Meetings

TURKMENISTAN — Police Raid Christian Meetings

Police raided home meetings in Turkmenistan

Police have raided several Christian meetings at private homes recently.

A homeowner was fined a week’s wages when police raided his home during a Christmas celebration. And in early February, local officials and secret police from the Ministry of State Security raided a home during a Christian meeting, recording personal information about participants and fining the homeowner. A few weeks later, police raided a house-warming celebration and accused the Christians of violating an order against religious gatherings. Some of the believers were detained for more than four hours and said they expect to receive fines.

Pray for believers around the globe who are encountering persecution during this unique time.

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