INDONESIA | MAY. 04, 2020 — Family Worship Interrupted by Muslim Neighbor
INDONESIA — Family Worship Interrupted by Muslim Neighbor

Two Muslim men threatened a family meeting for worship in their home during stay at home orders
A Christian family worshiping at home were interrupted recently by a Muslim neighbor who burst in and told them they could not hold a Christian meeting in their house.
The man, who is known as a haji because he completed a pilgrimage to Mecca, waved a stick at the family and became increasingly agitated as one family member began recording on his cellphone. With a neighborhood leader watching from the doorway, the man warned them that if they did not stop holding Christian meetings he would return with a mob. The family later filed a police report. “We don’t understand why these men were causing a problem with us, since we were following our government’s advice to stay home [for social distancing],” they said.
Pray for believers around the globe who are encountering persecution during this unique time.