SRI LANKA | MAR. 11, 2020 — Buddhist Monks Lead Assault on Pastor

SRI LANKA  | MAR. 11, 2020 — Buddhist Monks Lead Assault on Pastor

SRI LANKA | MAR. 11, 2020 — Buddhist Monks Lead Assault on Pastor

SRI LANKA — Buddhist Monks Lead Assault on Pastor

Buddhist monks demanded that the church in the village stop meeting.

On Sunday, Feb. 2, a group of Buddhist monks led a mob of 150 people to a house church in north central Sri Lanka.

The mob demanded an end to the worship service and threated violence if it continued, but police allowed the Christians to continue the service. When the pastor went outside to speak with the monks and police after the service, the monks attempted to assault the pastor. They told him the village was a Buddhist village and Christian religious activities would not be tolerated. Although police protected the pastor from the mob, the officer in charge reprimanded him when he filed a police report. Later that afternoon, a group including three monks accosted the pastor, his family and eight others. They assaulted the pastor’s son and damaged the Christians’ vehicles. Three Christians were treated at a hospital afterward, and police arrested five people involved in the assault. The monks were not arrested.


  1. 오정은

    Says March 12, 2020 at pm 5:23

    스리랑카에 있는 승려들이 예배를 중단하라고 목사들을 겁박하는 상황을 아룁니다.
    먼저는 승려들을 긍휼히 여기시고 그들이 어둠에서 빛으로 사단의 권세에서 하나님께로 돌아오게 하옵소서. 겁박을 당하는 가운데서도 예배를 지키는 목사들과 성도들에게 평안과 위로를 주옵소서. 너는 담대하라. 내가 세상을 이기었노라고 말씀하신 주님, 이들에게 세상을 이기신 예수님이 함께 계시다는 믿음을 주시고 어떠한 상황 속에서도 예배의 자리를 지키게 하옵소서.

    • VT-team

      Says March 13, 2020 at pm 4:02

      기도로 핍박받는 스리랑카 기독교인들을 올려주시니 감사합니다. 저희 기도달력 및 소식지를 신청하시면 매일 전 세계 핍박받는 기독교인들의 기도 제목과 소식들을 아실 수 있습니다. 신청해 주세요.

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