Tortured for Christ

Tortured for Christ


Richard Wurmbrand, whose body bore the scars of fourteen years of torture and suffering in a Communist prison, witnessed the indomitable courage and persistent faith of persecuted Christian believers.

Torn from their loved ones, battered and beaten in body but not in spirit, their examples of Christian faith continue to encourage believers everywhere.



Months of solitary confinement, years of periodic physical torture, constant suffering from hunger and cold, the anguish of brain-washing and mental cruelty—these are the experiences of a Romanian pastor during his fourteen years in Communist prisons.

His crime, like that of thousands of others, was his fervent belief in Jesus Christ and his public witness concerning that faith.

Meeting in homes, in basements, and in woods—sometimes daring to preach in public on street corners—these faithful souls persisted in their Christian witness knowing full well the ultimate cost of their actions.

This is their story—a classic account of courage, tenacious faith, and unbelievable endurance. This history of the Underground Church reflects the continuing struggle in many parts of the world today.


About the author

Pastor Richard Wurmbard (1909-2001) was an evangelical minister who endured fourteen years of Communist imprisonment and torture in his homeland of Romania. Few names are better known in Romania, where he is one of the most widely recognized Christian leaders, authors, and educators.

Pastor Wurmbrand authored numerous books, which have been translated into over sixty languages throughout the world. Christian leaders have called him the “Voice of the Underground Church” and “the Iron Curtain Paul.”


Additional information

Weight 251 g
Dimensions 150 × 228 × 9 mm



Richard Wurmbrand



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교환·반품 주소 : 순교자의 소리 - 서울특별시 성북구 솔샘로 26 (지층)