Christians in an estimated 100,000 churches in 130 countries worldwide will be joining together this Sunday to pray especially for persecuted Christians. The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church has been observed annually on the first and second Sundays of November each year since being established more than 20 years ago by the World Evangelical Association. Voice of the Martyrs Korea has released a new short film to help Korean churches and Christians participate in the worldwide event this Sunday and for the coming year.
“Today 260 million Christians—about 10% of the global Christian population—face intense persecution for their faith,” says Voice of the Martyrs Korea Representative Dr. Hyun Sook Foley, citing statistics from the World Evangelical Association’s Religious Liberty Commission.

Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand as portrayed in the 5-minute Finding Life video
Representative Foley says that the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) is a direct response to the most common request made by persecuted Christians. “When we ask persecuted Christians how we can help them, the first thing they say is ‘Pray for us!’”, says Representative Foley. “That is exactly what happens on the two IDOP Sundays annually: The church around the world joins together in prayer for their persecuted brothers and sisters.”
For this year’s event, Voice of the Martyrs Korea has released a new short film, “Finding Life” (run time 5 minutes), dramatizing the story of Voice of the Martyrs’ worldwide co-founders, Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand. “Despite imprisonment and other persecution under both the Nazis and Communist occupation of Romania, the Wurmbrands faithfully advanced the gospel, abandoning selfish pursuits and obediently surrendering daily to Christ,” says Representative Foley. “Following their decades-long ministry work and periods of imprisonment, the Wurmbrands co-founded Voice of the Martyrs.”

An original photo of Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand in their later years.
Representative Foley says that by choosing to ‘lose’ their earthly lives, sacrificing their comfort and safety in this world, the Wurmbrands found true life in Jesus Christ. “Today, our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters are finding life that counts for eternity at the cost of harassment, imprisonment and even death,” says Representative Foley. “On the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, we pray for our 260 million persecuted Christian family members who choose to walk this path in obedience to Christ. Like the Wurmbrands and countless others throughout church history, they are examples for us. We believe that ‘Finding Life’ will inspire your family, small group, or church to walk that same path of obedience.”
“Finding Life” is available for free viewing at www.vomkorea.com/idop. Visitors can also sign up to receive Voice of the Martyrs Korea’s free 2022 Prayer Calendar, with daily prayer requests for persecuted Christians, along with the free monthly newsletter containing updated prayer information.