“Tortured for Christ” tells the true story of Voice of the Martyrs founder Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, as written in his international bestselling book, ‘Tortured for Christ’. The award-winning movie was filmed entirely in Romania, including inside one of the prisons where Pastor Wurmbrand endured torture and solitary confinement. Two versions are available for free viewing online during Passion Week: A subtitled version and a dubbed version.
“We believe Passion Week during the Coronavirus may be God’s appointed time for this movie,” says Voice of the Martyrs Korea Representative Dr. Hyun Sook Foley. “Last year, when Coronavirus restrictions forced the cancellation of many church gatherings in the weeks leading up to Easter, we arranged to show the movie online for free, and it received more than 25,000 views. This year many church gatherings are still restricted, so we are especially aware of the suffering of Christ and the sacrifices required to follow him. The movie takes place in a prison and shows great suffering. But it shows even more the victory that comes to those who trust in Christ, no matter what. That is the message we need to remember and think deeply about at this time.”
Representative Foley says temporary Coronavirus restrictions on worship gatherings can serve the positive purpose of reminding Korean Christians that Christians in other countries face permanent bans on gathering. “Christians in more than 70 countries around the world have to worship in hiding in their homes every week, due not to the Coronavirus but to persecution,” says Representative Foley. “Hebrews 13:3 reminds us that we are bound together with them. We hope that the ‘Tortured for Christ’ movie will unite us with them in both suffering and hope this week.”
Pastor Wurmbrand endured torture during his 14 years in prison. Picture from the movie.
Individuals interested in watching “Tortured for Christ” for free can go to www.vomkorea.com/tfc/ beginning at 12:00AM Wednesday March 31 and continuing through Easter day April 4 and follow the instructions on the page to view the movie. Churches in Korea who are interested in hosting a showing of the movie can contact the ministry at 02-2065-0703.
Here are posts from VOMK’s Facebook page from individuals who viewed the movie during last year’s free online showings:
“A true story about Richard Wurmbrand who overcame harsh persecution with strong faith. I hope all of our Church members will watch this movie”. “혹독한 공산당의 박해를 믿음으로 이겨낸 루마니아 윔브란트 목사의 실화 <그리스도를 위한 고난>…많은 교인들이 보면 좋겠습니다.” – 선한목자교회 담임 유기성 목사 Rev. Yoo Gi-Seong, Senior Pastor of Good Shepherd Methodist Church.
“온 가족이 봤습니다. 마지막 시대를 살아가는 성도의 삶이 어떠해야 하는지 묵상할 수 있었습니다.” – 정**
My whole family watched together. I realized what the lives of Christians in this last time look like.
“정말 이 영화는 현재 우리 한국 교회 성도들이 꼭 봐야할 영화네요.” –김**
Korean Christians these days MUST watch this movie.
“두 번 봤답니다. 감사합니다!” –윤**
I watched twice! Thank you!
“더 많은 분들이 볼 수 있도록 알리겠습니다.” –옥**
I will let many people know that they should watch this movie.