LAOS | MAR. 27, 2024 — First Believers in Village Threatened with Expulsion
LAOS — First Believers in Village Threatened with Expulsion

Oudong and Lae
Oudong and his wife, Lae, placed their trust in Christ in May 2023, becoming the first Christians in their village.
Two weeks after their conversion, the village head came to their home and told them to stop worshiping Jesus Christ because Buddhism and animism were the only religions permitted in the village. The couple, along with their four children, began to travel two hours each way to gather in worship and fellowship with believers in another city, but this did not satisfy the authorities. In September, the village head told Oudong that his family must leave the village. Front-line workers are intervening to try to keep the family from being expelled and to assist them in attending church for encouragement and fellowship.