NEPAL | FEB. 14, 2024 — SD Cards, Daughter’s Healing Bring Family to Faith

NEPAL | FEB. 14, 2024 — SD Cards, Daughter’s Healing Bring Family to Faith

NEPAL | FEB. 14, 2024 — SD Cards, Daughter’s Healing Bring Family to Faith

NEPAL — SD Cards, Daughter’s Healing Bring Family to Faith

In August, front-line workers gave Manju and each of her children their first Bibles.

When Manju’s husband became a follower of Christ, Manju and their children were very opposed to his faith and berated him to abandon it.

But in May 2023, a pastor asked her to watch a film about Jesus. He installed a memory card with several videos on her phone. The family began to watch these films, calling the pastor to explain parts they did not understand. Manju invited the pastor to her house one day. While he was there, 14-year-old Sharda was watching one of the videos by herself when she experienced a demonic attack. When the pastor prayed for her, the attack ended. These attacks happened several more times, and each ended only when the pastor prayed. Sharda is now completely healed. Manju and her children placed their trust in Christ after witnessing God’s power in Sharda’s healing. Seven other relatives have also placed their trust in Christ since then.

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