SIERRA LEONE | FEB. 22, 2023 — Local Officials Destroy Large Church

SIERRA LEONE | FEB. 22, 2023 — Local Officials Destroy Large Church

SIERRA LEONE | FEB. 22, 2023 — Local Officials Destroy Large Church

SIERRA LEONE — Local Officials Destroy Large Church

A village in Sierra Leone

On January 11, 2023, local officials notified the pastor of a 400-member congregation to vacate their building immediately.

The worship center had stood for more than 15 years on land legally purchased in a Muslim-majority region. But five years ago, Muslims who were unhappy that a large Christian church stood in their community filed a legal case against the church. Church members were never allowed to respond to the court case and were upset when they received the notice. Many wanted to stand on the church ground and defend it. Church leaders, however, realized that the police intended to enforce the order, so church members could do nothing but watch as government workers destroyed the building on January 15.

Front-line workers request prayer that this church community will be encouraged and find a way to continue worshiping together.


  1. yuheayoung

    Says February 25, 2023 at pm 4:51

    교회가. 무너지지 않게 하소서

  2. yuheayoung

    Says February 25, 2023 at pm 4:51

    교회가. 무너지지 않게 하소서!. 성령의. 불을 부어주소서!

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