SYRIA | SEP. 23, 2022 — Damascus Pastor Ministers to the Needy

SYRIA | SEP. 23, 2022 — Damascus Pastor Ministers to the Needy

SYRIA | SEP. 23, 2022 — Damascus Pastor Ministers to the Needy

SYRIA — Damascus Pastor Ministers to the Needy

Pastor Samir

Syria has one of the largest Christian populations in the Middle East.

However, civil war has raged across the nation in recent years, creating dangerous living conditions and economic hardships for Syrians living in various parts of the country. Many Syrians and Syrian Christians have fled to different cities within Syria or to neighboring countries, seeking aid and refuge. Pastor Samir, however, has remained despite the danger and difficulty and works to shine the light of Christ by helping any who need food and by providing other forms of practical support.

1 Comment

  1. 유혜영

    Says September 23, 2022 at pm 7:10

    고난은 축복의 통로입니다.,,시리아가 부흥되게 하소서

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