CENTRAL ASIA | SEP. 5, 2022 — Pastor Facing Possible Charges for Unregistered Churches

CENTRAL ASIA | SEP. 5, 2022 — Pastor Facing Possible Charges for Unregistered Churches

CENTRAL ASIA | SEP. 5, 2022 — Pastor Facing Possible Charges for Unregistered Churches

CENTRAL ASIA — Pastor Facing Possible Charges for Unregistered Churches

Unregistered churches in Central Asia face growing pressure.

In Central Asia, many Christians gather in unregistered house churches because it is almost impossible to get a church legally registered.

Pastor Abdulla has been leading several house churches, and two of the churches have been fined in recent months for “illegal religious activities.” In addition, the pastor may face criminal charges and a possible prison sentence for multiple violations of laws restricting Christian worship.


  1. 유혜영

    Says September 05, 2022 at pm 9:20

    성령의 충만을 부어주소서!

  2. LEE SOO

    Says September 07, 2022 at pm 4:52

    압둘라 목사님과 교회 성도들과 택하신 가족들을 보호하시고 정부의 핍박으로부터 구해주세요.

    하늘에 계신 우리 아버지,
    우리를 시험에 들게하지 마옵시며 다만 악에서 구하옵소서

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