ALGERIA | JUL. 6, 2022 — Sentence Reduced for Convicted Christians

ALGERIA | JUL. 6, 2022 — Sentence Reduced for Convicted Christians

ALGERIA | JUL. 6, 2022 — Sentence Reduced for Convicted Christians

ALGERIA — Sentence Reduced for Convicted Christians

A group of Christians who were arrested in 2021 have received a reduction in their prison sentences.

In December 2021, Algerian police raided a worship gathering and arrested 12 Christians.

The believers spent 48 hours in jail before being charged with “unauthorized worship” and sentenced to a six-month suspended prison sentence and a $1,380 fine. The believers appealed in April 2022, and the fine was reduced by half.

Praise God for the reduction in the Christians’ sentence, and pray that the believers can worship freely without oppression by Algerian authorities.

1 Comment

  1. 유혜영

    Says July 06, 2022 at pm 12:25

    알제리의 성도들을 돌봐주소서!
    주님께서 성령충만으로 선한 영향력으로 살아가게 하소서!

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