IRAN | MAY. 27, 2022 — Christian Worker Begins Two-Year Prison Sentence

IRAN | MAY. 27, 2022 — Christian Worker Begins Two-Year Prison Sentence

IRAN | MAY. 27, 2022 — Christian Worker Begins Two-Year Prison Sentence

IRAN — Christian Worker Begins Two-Year Prison Sentence

Sister F receives encouragement from other front-line workers before beginning her prison sentence.

Sister F is a long-time Christian leader in Iran.

Last year, one of her discipleship groups was raided by the police, and Sister F was beaten, tortured and placed in solitary confinement. She was then sentenced to a two-year prison term because of her faith in Christ. In the days before her prison sentence would begin, front-line workers met with Sister F online to encourage her and equip her with ministry tools to share the gospel while in prison. Pray for Sister F to experience peace and hope in Christ as she serves her prison term.

Pray that many will trust Christ through her faithful witness.

1 Comment

  1. 유혜영

    Says May 29, 2022 at pm 8:27

    주님! 고난속에서 성령충만으로 살아가도록 폭포수처럼 날마다 부어주소서!

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