TURKEY | MAR. 23, 2022 — “Anything About God That I Do Not Know, I Want to Know”
TURKEY — "Anything About God That I Do Not Know, I Want to Know”

Reem became curious about Christ after having dreams about Him. Pray for her salvation.
Reem is a Syrian Muslim who lives in Turkey with her husband and children.
After having dreams about Jesus, Reem reached out to front-line workers to learn more about Him. “If there is anything about God that I do not know, I want to know it,” she said. Reem began reading the Bible online, wanting to know more about Christ, but her family have discouraged her and warned her against believing in Him. Front-line workers connected Reem with a pastor and his wife, who prayed with Reem and gave her a Bible. Reem asked the pastor and his wife to keep praying for her.
Pray for Reem to place her faith in Jesus Christ, and pray that her family may also receive salvation in Christ.