ARABIAN PENINSULA | MAR. 9, 2022 — Christian Mother and Daughter On the Run

ARABIAN PENINSULA | MAR. 9, 2022 — Christian Mother and Daughter On the Run

ARABIAN PENINSULA | MAR. 9, 2022 — Christian Mother and Daughter On the Run

ARABIAN PENINSULA — Christian Mother and Daughter On the Run

A Christian mother and daughter are on the run after their Muslim family member threatened to kill them because of their faith.

Front-line workers connected with two Christian women, a mother and daughter, who were forced to flee their home because of their Christian faith.

Though raised as a Muslim in North Africa, the daughter came to faith in Christ. When her father, a Muslim extremist linked to Islamist groups within their country, discovered her newfound faith, he became furious, and he began to abuse her over a period of time. The daughter eventually had to be taken to the hospital because of the abuse. She and her mother escaped from the hospital and rented a small flat on their own. However, family members warned the pair that that the father had discovered their new location and was planning to kill them. When they learned of his plans, the mother and daughter fled to a country in the Arabian Peninsula with only the clothes they were wearing. Pray for this mother and daughter to experience the peace of Christ as they start over in their new country.

Pray also that their Muslim family members come to faith in Christ, especially the father.


  1. 유혜영

    Says March 09, 2022 at am 4:20

    주님! 예배와 기도로 이 전쟁을 승리하게 하소서!

  2. Prayer

    Says March 16, 2022 at am 2:01

    예수님의 이름으로 이 모녀를 축복합니다.
    주님, 그 심령 가운데 믿음과 복음에 대한 확신을 더해주시고
    영혼육을 안전하게 지켜주시며
    무엇보다 영적 지원을 풍성히 더해주시옵소서
    예수님, 이 가정의 아버지를 강권적으로 만나주셔서
    가정의 제사장으로 바로 서게 하옵소서
    아버지의 눈을 가리고 있는 사단은 예수의 이름으로 썩 꺼질지어다!!
    아버지의 가정의 제사장의 권위가 회복되고
    이 가정이 예수님께 붙잡힌 바 된
    놀라운 가정으로 변화되게 하소서 회복되게 하소서!!

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