ETHIOPIA | NOV. 1, 2021 — Congregation Rejoices At New Building

ETHIOPIA | NOV. 1, 2021 — Congregation Rejoices At New Building

ETHIOPIA | NOV. 1, 2021 — Congregation Rejoices At New Building

ETHIOPIA — Congregation Rejoices At New Building

"Mother Toltu"'s church was destroyed by religious extremists.

"Mother Toltu" was raised as a follower of the Oromo traditional religion, but she committed her life to following Christ when she heard the gospel for the first time.

She donated a plot of land from her property to be used for a church, and several other believers contributed funds to the construction of a church as well. However, a mob of local Oromo religious groups attacked the believers and tore down the church they had built. With VOM’s support, the church building was reconstructed in 2021. “Because we live in the countryside, we don’t know people that can help us. All we could do was pray to God,” one of the believers said. “God has heard our prayers and sent you to help us.” After construction had ended, local church leaders visited the congregation to see the new church building. “Mother Toltu praised God for the support given to them and expressed her happiness for seeing the rebuilding of the church,” a front-line worker said. Pray that God will bless this congregation as they meet in their new church building.

Pray that the new structure will show Christ to those who tore down the original church building, and pray that they may seek God and find life in Christ.


  1. 유혜영

    Says November 03, 2021 at am 11:48

    하나님 독수리날개쳐 오르는 부흥을 허락하소서!

    넘어져도 또 일어나고 또 일어나는 그 강인한 힘과 능력 부어주소서!

  2. 권정현

    Says November 04, 2021 at am 1:35

    하나님 ! 감사와 찬양을 올려드립니다.
    주님의 나라는 영원하며, 주님의 이름은 대대에 이릅니다.
    우리 주 예수그리스도로 인하여 기뻐하며 행복해 하는 톨투와 성도들에게 큰 기쁨과 주안에서 늘 승리 할 수 있도록
    주님의 강한 팔로 붙들어 주옵소서

    오로모족들이 더 이상 폭력과 위협을 가하지 않도록 저들의 손과 팔을 묶어 주옵시며, 예수그리스도 이름앞에 무릎굻고
    회개하고 주께 돌아오게 하소서!

    성령께서 주님의 마음을 아시오니 우리 형제들과 자매들에게 그리스도로 인한 기쁨이 배가 되도록 역사하여 주옵소서
    이제 교회가 성장되어 지역주민들이 단체로 주께로 돌아오는 날이 점점더 많아지고 복음의 능력이 교회와 전하는 자들의
    메세지를 통하여 하나님의 나라가 확장되길 기도드립니다.

    예수그리스도 이름으로 기도합니다.

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