CHINA | OCT. 29, 2021 — Authorities Tell ERCC Christians to Leave Their Homes

CHINA | OCT. 29, 2021 — Authorities Tell ERCC Christians to Leave Their Homes

CHINA | OCT. 29, 2021 — Authorities Tell ERCC Christians to Leave Their Homes

CHINA — Authorities Tell ERCC Christians to Leave Their Homes

Individuals wearing red armbands knocked on doors and told Christians to move. (China Aid and VOMK logo)

Government persecution against the Early Rain Covenant Church (ERCC) in Chengdu continues.

On Sunday, Aug. 22, officials arrested 28 people gathered in a home for a worship service. The leaders of the service were beaten, spent two weeks in jail and were fined. On October 17th, the police harassed this same Early Rain home group by arresting their preacher, Dai Zhichao. During his detainment, Brother Dai Zhicao preached the gospel to the officers. The police officers threatened him and told him to move out of Chengdu. He was held for 10 hours before being released. ERCC church members have endured intense persecution since Dec. 2018 when the church was raided and head pastor Wang Yi was arrested and sentenced to nine years in prison. Thank God for the faithfulness of many of the church members: “If God can be for us, who can be against us?” one church member wrote.

Pray that their needs will be provided for and that their faith will remain strong.


  1. 유혜영

    Says October 29, 2021 at pm 5:38

    주님 중국교회를 위해 기도합니다
    두려움 없는 믿음을 허락하여 주옵소서

  2. 권정현

    Says November 04, 2021 at am 1:54

    오 ~ 주님! 이른비 언약교회 목사님은 투옥되었고, 그럼에도 복음을 계속전하는 치타오 형제는 체포가 되었습니다.
    교회에 핍박이 날로 날로 심해지고 있는 이때에, 하나님께서 우리의 기도를 들어주옵소서.

    여호사밧왕이 어찌할 바를 알지 못할때 주님을 바라보았듯이, 이와 같은 역경과 고난의 환경에 처한 이른비언약교회 목사님이 풀려나게 하시며, 9년이라는 가옥한 형량이 사라져서 풀려나게 하여 주옵소서.

    이른비언약교회가 지역을 떠나지 않도록, 관련 공무원들의 마음을 돌이켜 주옵소서!
    주님만 의지 할 수 밖에 없는 여호사밧왕의 심령으로 주께 기도하오니, 주여 우리를 위협하는 저 대적들을 물리쳐 주옵소서.

    예수그리스도 이름으로 기도드립니다.

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