NIGERIA | SEP. 10, 2021 — Dozens Killed, Many Displaced in Islamist Attack on Miango Village

NIGERIA | SEP. 10, 2021 — Dozens Killed, Many Displaced in Islamist Attack on Miango Village

NIGERIA | SEP. 10, 2021 — Dozens Killed, Many Displaced in Islamist Attack on Miango Village

NIGERIA — Dozens Killed, Many Displaced in Islamist Attack on Miango Village

Last month, Islamists in Nigeria's Plateau state destroyed more than 200 homes and churches, like the one pictured here.

Last month, Islamists in Nigeria's Plateau state destroyed more than 200 homes and churches, like the one pictured here.

As the violence escalated over the following days, the Islamists destroyed hundreds of homes and churches as well as the villagers’ crops, which were being prepared for harvest, eliminating their food source and livelihoods. “The reason for the attack is simple: the Fulani want to wipe out the Christian communities,” a front-line worker said. Pray for an end to the violence so that front-line workers can respond to the needs of those who suffered in the attack. Pray for those who have lost loved ones and homes, and pray those suffering from the attacks will be healed.

Pray also that the Islamists will experience the love of God in Christ.


  1. 유혜영

    Says September 11, 2021 at am 9:26

    주님! 억울합니다. 화가 납니다. 눈물이 납니다. 그러나 이또한 우리가 하나님의 주권아래 이루어진 일임을 인정합니다.
    기도하겠습니다. 억울할수록 화가날수록 그래서 눈물이 날수록 더 기도와 말씀으로 돌파하겠습니다.!
    주님만이 왕이십니다.

  2. Sooho

    Says September 14, 2021 at pm 1:37

    주님의 이들의 아버지가 아니시라면, 주님이 이들의 하나님이 아니시라면, 이들이 어떻게 살아갈 수 있을까요.

    주님의 아버지 되심과 하나님 되심, 그리고 선한 목자 되심을 이 모든 상황 속에서도 보여주시고, 우리 역시 그들과 함께 고난을 이기고 기쁨을 누릴 수 있는 복을 허락하여주소서.

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