NIGERIA | AUG. 6, 2021 — More Than 100 Students Kidnapped from Baptist High School

NIGERIA | AUG. 6, 2021 — More Than 100 Students Kidnapped from Baptist High School

NIGERIA | AUG. 6, 2021 — More Than 100 Students Kidnapped from Baptist High School

NIGERIA — More Than 100 Students Kidnapped from Baptist High School

Radical Fulani Muslims attacked a Christian high school in Nigeria, kidnapping more than 100 students.

Radical Fulani Muslims attacked Bethel Baptist High School in Nigeria's northern state of Kaduna on July 5, 2021.

The attackers rode in on motorbikes, shooting wildly into the air as they broke through the fence surrounding the school. The exact number of those kidnapped is uncertain, as some were able to escape in the attack. The Bethel Baptist Church pastor’s son was among the students who narrowly escaped. “Right now I’m speechless,” the pastor said. “The school is an educational ministry of my church. This is a very, very sad situation for us.” Please pray for the safe return of all the students who are still missing, and pray that their kidnappers will be brought to justice. 

Pray also that the parents whose children were kidnapped will be comforted. 


  1. Peace

    Says July 25, 2021 at pm 3:29

    하나님 상처받은 자녀들과 그 가족들을 찾아가 위로해주세요. 풀라니족 무슬림 극단주의자들이 회개하고 주님께 돌아오게 하시고 핍박받고. 죽임당하고 납치당하는 나이지리아 교인들을 기억해주시고 지켜주세요

    • Hrheo

      Says August 04, 2021 at pm 1:06

      기도의 동역 감사드립니다!

  2. 유혜영

    Says August 29, 2021 at pm 12:49

    하나님 고통이지만 이 고통을 통해 일하실 하나님의 뜻을 기쁨마음으로 수용할수 있는 믿음을 허락해주십시요
    어떠한 상황속에서도 주님만을 의지하며 죽음도 두려워하지 않는 그 믿음 어린영혼들에게 부어주소서

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